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  • Your Passport to Scaling Interviews

Your Passport to Scaling Interviews

It doesn't matter if you check all the boxes, if the vibe is off, you’re probably not getting that job

Hello, new local👋

In Today’s Newsletter
  • Your passport to scaling that interview

  • Landing your dream job in Canada just got easier

  • Inspire: find opportunities as an expat in Canada

  • These companies are hiring!

So I’m going to keep it sweet and short today.

You know, you don't realize how big the world is until you leave your comfort zone. 

Imagine that you left your home country where you were probably a big shot Tech Bro, CEO or Manager and now you're here in Canada where the competition is global. 

Everyone is doing their CV right, LinkedIn is 100%, and that Portfolio is shiny alright? (and if it’s not. Please click here to fix up before you even read further]

AI is making it even easier to look like an expert these days. To truly stand out, you need to be a STORYTELLER.

Yes, you read that right. After acquiring the hard skills and scaling ATS barriers, what sets you apart is how well you can tell your career story in a way that resonates with your interviewer.

‘Cos trust me. It doesn't matter if you check all the boxes, if the vibe is off, you’re probably not getting that job. And that is what stories do.

Stories make you personable. You move from being just a SIN number to an actual individual in the sight of your employer.

Now here’s how to do it without looking fake.

  • Leverage Key Moments: Identify key moments in your career that highlight your skills and values. What challenges did you overcome? What successes did you achieve? How did you contribute to your team or community?

  • Tailor Your Tale: Remember, every interview is a new audience. Adapt your story to fit the specific job and company.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Storytelling is an art. Practice sharing your story out loud. Seek feedback from friends, mentors, or language exchange partners.

  • Build Connection: Stories create emotional bonds. By sharing your journey, you'll connect with interviewers on a deeper level, making you more memorable. So even if you don’t land that job, they might just remember you when another opportunity comes up.

  • Don’t tell lies: Do I need to tell you how lying sets you up for failure?

I always say this to my circle of influence. Opportunities happen in conversations. An interview is a conversation, and your goal is to create a lasting impression. Don’t just go in being all stoic and basic.

And if you’re still struggling to land interviews, you should try out our Job Search Tool Kit. It increases your interview call-back rate by 70%.


Stop winging it.

The NewLocal Job Search Toolkit is your one-stop shop for success in the Canadian workforce. We understand the unique challenges new immigrants face, and this toolkit is designed to bridge the gap between your international experience and Canadian opportunities.

You can click here to read more about it OR



A massive challenge is that as an expat looking for a job in a new country, you have no network that can refer you or recommend you as a potential candidate. Every job I have taken has been through word of mouth.

Andrea Van Niekerk, a South African blogger and YouTuber, shares her journey of moving to Canada. Leaving behind her career as a client liaison executive, she now focuses on completing her yoga teacher training certification and creating content that helps fellow ex-pats adjust to life in a new country


Transitioning into Canadian professional life comes with its fair share of surprises. From workplace customs to everyday interactions, the cultural journey is full of eye-opening moments. As people who have navigated the rollercoaster of cultural transitions, we know firsthand how impactful those 'aha' moments can be.

We are eager to learn about your own experiences – the good, the bad, the unexpected, and the downright hilarious! Reach out to us below 👇




Canada Life



Education and Skill Development 
Health and Well-being

Cultural Integration


  • Green Summit and Social Impact Business | Learn More

  • Toronto Big Business, Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking Soiree | Learn More

  • Agribusiness Canada International Expo 2024 | Learn More

  • Financial Inclusion, Business Financing & Networking for Immigrants | Learn More

  • The Annual International Agriculture Conference  | Learn More

Send Money Globally with Ease Using LemFi

LemFi is a cheat code if you just moved to Canada and you want to send or receive money from Nigeria, US,UK, Kenya and over 20 countries. Here’s a few things you can do:

Open free multi-currency accounts with LemFi and get local banking details like account and routing numbers in over 20 currencies including USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, NGN and more. This allows you to receive money directly into local accounts as if you were a resident, eliminating costly international fees.

What’s more? You get CAD 30.00 when you verify your account and send over CAD 250. Use Lemfi to send and receive money today!


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You definitely know someone else who’ll benefit from this newsletter. Don’t gate keep😌